Turned out one doc is living at The Gateway too. Pretty nice place. Staff speaks English pretty well and the small cafe has not bad food. The chicken wings, noodles with soup and chicken chop were just some of the things we tried.
Very nice and very professional. I thought i was in one of the private hospitals in Orchard road.
Having regular visits to Mt E, Thomson and Gleneagles in the past, the service was really comparable.
The hospital is a little small though but we were quite happy.
I didn't have great expectations other than the last time we did a quick look but this time, saw their facilities, etc. Not bad and price is good as well and doctors don't seem to be in a hurry to rush you out. Can talk about properties even, one of the doctors from Penang even shook my hand when i went in. Very polite.
Only later found out he is a neighbour in HH.