You also don't need to sell off your property in SG first, take a look around first, see if its something suitable for you. I plan to eventually rent out both SG and MY properties whilst living in 1 so i have multiple sources of income. This will make it easier for me to retire when i wish to at age 40. As some of my very smart FT friends(UK/US/Swedish/German) observed, SG is a good place to work but not to live!

I would probably need to work until age 80 if i continue living here in SG.

My view of a typical guy in the private sector:
Work hard all your life, become Senior Management/Executive at 40?
Be happy briefly from age 40-50 but cannot change jobs anymore.
Retrenched at 50-55 because of discrimination against older workers
Finding a job, 55? No comparable job, gives up, how to make ends meet?
Become Taxi driver/Security at 55?
MacDonalds cleaner at 65?
Death at 80 while probably still working at the workplace?
Slumped over some dirty tables or counters?